↓First person view of tennis playing
↓Back view of tennis playing

Fig1. Viewers can sometimes imagine how the vibrotactile stimuli are in the video.

Kentaro Yoshida, Yuuki Horiuchi, Tomohiro Ichiyama, Seki Inoue, Yasutoshi Makino, and Hiroyuki Shinoda: Estimation of Racket Grip Vibration from Tennis Video Using Neural Network, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2018, WiP Poster B5 (Work-in-Progress Papers), 25-28 March, San Francisco, California, USA, 2018.
Kentaro Yoshida, Yuuki Horiuchi, Tomohiro Ichiyama, Seki Inoue, Yasutoshi Makino, and Hiroyuki Shinoda: Estimation and Presentation of Racket Grip Vibration with Tennis Video, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2018, Demo 5, 25-28 March, San Francisco, California, USA, 2018.